She  always Instructs me on What to do and How to do. I've Imbibed Each inch of Womanliness she has. I've Learned to cook, I know How to Smile to Welcome Guests, I have Educated Myself About how to Ignore Boys Passing Comments.

She has Taught me What Girls do and What Girls Shouldn't do. When my Brother Cries to Snatch what's Mine she has Educated me to Handover it to him Because he's my only Brother.

Whenever Someone Comes Home I Should Hurry up to Serve Tea and Biscuits. Whites Clothes should be Soaked Separately in Water and Detergent. Wearing Something which Reveals my Cleavage is Enough for me to be Titled as a Whore. The Skirt above my knees can Destroy the Ideal woman Image of Mine. Moving out at Night isn't Allowed for me. I'm a girl and I should Never Drink. Smoking isn’t my thing. Learning these Instructions, I turned into a Woman.

They've asked me to Get Married as no One Would Marry a Girl With Wrinkles. I Shouldn't Argue with My Husband and his Family. Treating his Parents as my Parents are my Prime Duty. My Kids Should be my Priority. I Should Pass on the Same Legacy to My Girl. But why?

Just Because I'm a Girl I Need to Grasp these Qualities. "Can you Tell me what are his Guidelines?" I asked. All they Could Answer was "He's a man." and this was sufficient to Make me Realize I'm Right Because God Never Asked me Which Gender's Body I Wanted.