If you are planning on switching from iOS to Android or vice versa then choose any one of them carefully as you have to buy Apps again from Apple App Store or Google Play. There is no doubt in saying that Android is the world most commonly used smartphone platform and managed by different phone manufacturers. While iOS is only used in Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini etc.

Let’s Talk iOS -

iOS is a mobile operating system that is developed by Apple Inc. Like modern desktop operating system, iOS uses a graphical user interface. As iOS is a mobile operating system so it is designed around touchscreen input rather than keyboard and mouse. We can develop iOS apps but can’t upload them to Apple App Store as permission is needed.
The latest release of iOS – 11.3 Beta 4 (15E5201e) March 5, 2018

Let’s See About Android

Android is also an open source OS that is developed by Android Inc. It is based on Linux kernel and specially designed for touchscreen mobile devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. Google releases the code under Apache License and this open source code allows the software to be freely modified by enthusiast and device manufacturers. Android is an open source and hence we can upload apps directly on Google Play Store without any permission.

The Latest Release of Android - Android 13 August 15, 2022

Why Is iOS Better Than Android?

  • Hardware & Software Integration : As Apple manufacture software along with hardware of its devices and this is the reason that it gives a striking edge as software experience run in a fluid sequence with the hardware. This is main reason Ios is more optimized than Android. Earlier, the hardware is made by Qualcomm & MediaTek, not by Google. OS should be made generic for various devices as they add own flavor to the smartphone just like Samsung has its own software & hardware.
  • Clutter-Free User Interface : There is no doubt in saying that Android provides tons of options to tweak and play but on the other hand iPhone add a simplicity to UI by making it extremely easy for new- dopters. To deliver a clutter-free user interface, multiple options are absent in iPhone and hence user does not get confused.
  • Always Up to Date : As Apple is well aware of its devices & hardware and that’s why provide updates to everyone without any delay. No matter, if it is a minute security patch or a major incremental update, Apple always provide updates on the same day without any discrimination. On the other hand, Android is known for poor update timeline. Smartphone makers provide updates according to priorities and hence cause a massive delay.
  • Secure & Encrypted  : When it comes to security and encryption, iOS is known to be built like as tanks. If we talk about smartphones, their memory is encrypted so that no one can hack into the hardware and steal the confidential information. On the other hand, fingerprint data, new face ID data on iPhone X is stored on iPhone, not on the cloud server and this way your data stays with you always.
  • No Unnecessary Bloatware : There is one more reason to love iPhone as they don’t come cluttered with unnecessary bloatware. If you don’t use pre-installed system applications then you can uninstall them. On Android, if you want to remove the bloatware then you have to root the smartphone and that might can lose the warranty and definitely you wouldn’t want to do that.
  • Latest Apps First Come on iOS : Developers love iOS for releasing new apps and that’s why iPhone user base is strongest in the competition. As iOS is highly secured hence no one can crack paid apps for iPhone. On the other hand,  if we talked about Android then there are numerous methods of cracking a paid app and hence make it discouraging choice for developers.
  • Apple App Store Is a Home to Quality Apps : There exist a stringent process of adding the particular application to App Store as the procedure includes a set of quality and security checklist so that app can become responsive and appear good on the screen. Because of this stringent process, iPhone apps are much better in quality as the comparison to Android counterparts.


It is very difficult to compare Android and iOS because both of them have advantages and
disadvantages. If you are also confused between both of them then you need to look what features and specs are most important to you. If you are technically minded or love to customize your phone then you should prefer Android as it is more flexible than iPhone. On the other hand, if you like the idea of controlled and safe ecosystem then buy an iPhone. Both Android and iOS are mature and feature packed platforms so make your decision carefully and pick the one that fits your budget and needs.